The Eastern Carnic chain marks the border with Austria to the north, in the section between Creta d'Aip and Monte Forno; to the south it is bounded by the Pontebbana stream and, upstream of Pontebba, by the course of the Fella. We can divide this section of the eastern Carnic between the Pontebbano part, gravitating around Passo Pramollo, and that which extends from there towards Tarvisio. The Pramollo area runs along the wild mountain ridge from Monte Cavallo (2239 m.), across the Madrizze chain, to the Passo di Pramollo (1530 m.) and the chain of the Auernig (1863 m.), Carnizza (1950 m.) and Corona (1832 m.) mountains. Other beautiful Carnic peaks in Pontebbano (in the valley of the same name and in Val Aupa) are Gleriis (2058 m.) and Chiavals (2098 m.), Zuc dal Bor (2195 m.) Both of these areas are very interesting from a naturalistic, environmental and excursionist point of view due to the presence of many paths that allow for pleasant walks both in the valley bottom and in altitude up to the main peaks mentioned. The Pramollo area is also rich in fossils and is known for the extraordinary presence, unique in Italy, of the plant called Wulfenia carinthiaca.


The Carnic peaks that rise from Pontebbano to Tarvisio are peaks with altitudes that rarely exceed 2,000 metres. They rise from the gently shaped and elongated ridge with an east-west direction. They present a slightly undulating course determined above all by the poor resistance of the rocks to the action of atmospheric agents. This area also represents the watershed between the two previously mentioned catchment areas. The main summit is Mount Osternig (2050 m.), an imposing grassy peak and pasture dome, from where there is a splendid panorama of the highest peaks of the Carnic and Julian Alps and the chain of the Austrian-Slovenian Karawanken and the Austrian Tauern towards Salzburg. The particular morphology of the mountains has contributed to the formation, within the area, of splendid valleys that take their names from the homonymous watercourses that flow through them. These include Val Filza and Val Rauna, where there are numerous huts and stavoli. These mountains offer excellent and endless possibilities to tourists, who can easily climb the main and most beautiful peaks: Poludnig (1999 m.), Cima Bella (1911 m.), Cocco (1941 m.), Sagran (1922 m.), Acomizza (1813 m.), Cima Muli (1743 m.), Capin di Ponente (1736 m.), Goriane (1693 m.).

Point of arrival

The Tarvisio tourist destination is located in Friuli Venezia Giulia, on the border with Austria and Slovenia

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