On the Footsteps of Julius-Kugy


Julius Kugy was a mountaineer and writer, poet-singer, botanist and musician who - at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries - climbed every peak of the Tarvisian mountains together with his faithful guides with an exceptional spiritual attitude.

The Julius Jugy Trek is a loop trail on the chamois trails between nature hikes, via ferratas and mountaineering routes marked by the great tradition of the Julian Alps and named after Julius Kugy, an icon of Tarvisian mountain culture.

The Kugy project , created in the early 2000s, includes routes intended not only for expert climbers but also for amateur hikers. In fact, the ring at the bottom of the valley is usable by hikers of all levels and makes it possible to reach all the localities of the destination through undemanding paths in the woods, while the high-altitude one dedicated to more experienced hikers goes from refuge to refuge and climbs the most important peaks of the Tarvisian area by following the different routes opened by the famous mountaineer.






Mountain lovers are offered a series of mountaineering

routes (with hiking-nature sections) during the summer period, suitable both for those approaching the mountains

for the first time and for experienced hikers, accompanied by

experienced mountain guides to discover the almost

untouched beauty of the Julian Alps.

Discover the hiking programme for the

2023 summer season!

Point of arrival

The Tarvisio tourist destination is located in Friuli Venezia Giulia, on the border with Austria and Slovenia

Plan your journey